Opening hours today for Buildbase

07:00 - 17:00

Opens at 07:00 today
  • Monday: -
  • Tuesday: -
  • Wednesday (today): -
  • Thursday: -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday: -
  • Sunday: Closed


🕗 Buildbase Opening times in Birmingham, B9 4SJ

B9 4SJ Doris Road Bordesley Green Birmingham, gb
Phone: 0121 7666999
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Whether you’re here for bricks and blocks, drainage, damp proofing or dry lining; insulation, lintels and metal work or roofing supplies; we’ve got everything you could possibly need from foundations to finishing touches.


Nearest Buildbase stores, Buildbase Birmingham

Birmingham, Birmingham

John Kempe Way Camp Hill Industrial Estate, 1.8 km

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The White Company Birmingham, Birmingham

Upper Mall East, 2.3 km

Opens at 10:00 today

Nespresso Birmingham, Birmingham

Upper Mall East Bullring, 2.3 km

Opens at 10:00 today

Buildbase Tamworth, Tamworth

11 Magnus Tame Valley Industrial Estate, 19.0 km

Opens at 07:00 today

Buildbase Cradley Heath, Cradley Heath

Powke Lane, 13.6 km

Opens at 07:00 today

Buildbase Walsall, Walsall

Leamore Lane, 17.3 km

Opens at 07:00 today